Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,855

yeah I know you did not ask!

Last Christmas I was given a gift card to Half Price Books.  Works for me as normally folks do not read the print off the page, and why pay full price. This is especially true as much of my reading is not necessarily of the latest books hot off the press.

So, with gift card in hand, I made the sojourn to the nearest Half Price Book store about 3 miles from the house.  After wandering around for a while, I had a few books in hand, but I still had a bit of money left on the card.  I passed the rack of calendars, and realized I did not have a 2020 calendar for my man cave.  After discarding calendars of cute cats or puppies, impressive landscapes, inspiring quotes, I was torn between one of a science fiction theme and one of Kama Sutra illustrations.  One of the folks I work with on my Spanish is from Guatemala.  He sometimes refers to me as Viejo Verde. Living up to my reputation I bought the calendar with drawings based on the ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life.

So far I have not attempted any of the postures depicted.  Just looking at them daily has forced me to visit the chiropractor and get a script for muscle relaxers.  I am assuming the ancients had bones of rubber.