
As these things come and go, I have no idea if it is still  in vogue, but the slang, at least for a while, was to refer to the male specific anatomy as “junk”.  At least I heard a lot of comedians on the telly doing so.  Recently Señora referred to my personal masculine anatomical configuration as paraphernalia.

Paraphernalia… hmm, I didn’t know about that.  One dictionary definition of this word is: trappings associated with a particular institution or activity that are regarded as superfluous. What is superfluous, the trappings, the institution or activity? There appears to be a little ambiguity in that definition. Another source gives the definition as: the separate real or personal property of a married woman that she can dispose of by will and sometimes according to common law during her life.

To the second definition…OUCH. To the first, I certainly do not consider my apparatus superfluous – at least yet, and I am hoping  Señora does not either.

But then again I did wonder what Señora had been smoking that she had paraphernalia on her mind.

And soooooo it goes.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #876

yeah I know you did not ask!

Okay, this one is a little off-color.

For some reason I began to think of the word junk as being used as an euphemism for the male genitalia.  A brief search on the Internet describes the origin of this use of the word as murky.  First use in print with this context was in gay literature.  To me, it seems a little counter-intuitive to use the word, junk, this way.  Most guys that I know strive to keep their “junk” very well polished, one way or another, not something you typically do with junk. (Insert your own comedic rim shot here.)

Just for grins and giggles, if you are interested here are a couple links of the multitude of articles on the subject.

Origins of ‘junk’ as slang are murky

Even the New York Times weighed in: On Language:Junk