Mars and Venus — Whatever Country

I was Skyping with my young Mexican tutor who lives in Honduras this morning.   He told me the following joke:

¿En qué se parecen las mujeres y las canciones en inglés?
Yo tampoco lo entiendo, pero me gustan los dos.

Or in English:

How are women and songs in English alike?
I don’t understand either, but I like them both.

Seems like male / female relationships are the same in whatever culture the two genders exist.


Okay, how old am I?

This morning was the morning of my colonoscopy.  No problems, after a year of arm twisting from my Internist I went for the screening procedure.

My girlfriend drove me there and waited with me, and then waited for me.  As I was waiting my turn, for some reason behind my paper I begin to make fart noises.  My girlfriend chided me telling this was not an appropriate place to be doing that.  I cannot think of a better place myself. Continue reading “Okay, how old am I?”