Reconsidering JFK – A Wondrium Course

If you are of my generation or older you remember the day President John F. Kennedy was shot, 22 November 1963.  I was in 6th grade at an elementary school in Toms River, New Jersey. It was the first time in my educational career that I had had a male teacher.  He was a very tall, skinny man who I remember mainly because he was male and his reaction to the Kennedy news.  When they announced over the loudspeaker that the President had been assassinated, this man cried.  However, when I raised my hand after Continue reading “Reconsidering JFK – A Wondrium Course”

Quote for the Day – Timothy Eagan, New York Times Editorialist quoting John F. Kennedy

‘Or he could take the advice of President John F. Kennedy. He believed in an America “where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials.”’ ~~ Timothy Eagan, New York Times Editorialist quoting John F. Kennedy

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