…and a HUG around the Neck

A while back I wrote a little story, A bushel and a peck… about buying a small painting while we  were in New Orleans. The painting has a little bird with the saying, “I Love You, a Bushel and a Peck”.  I speculated in that posting about completing the ditty with another painting that said “…and a Hug around the Neck”. 

I contacted the artist, Katie Leese, at her website JeanBird.com.  I told her what I wanted. She sent me a couple pictures of possible backgrounds, and the artistic Señora picked one. Katie’s surcharge for custom work was only $10 more than the price of one of her paintings on her website or at her stand in New Orleans  I think the pair display very nicely in our kitchen. Most importantly, they make both our hearts glad when we see them.  It was money well spent.

Keep well.



A bushel and a peck…

A bushel and a peck… and a hug around the neck.  I have heard this little ditty for about as long as I have memories.  It is generally in a situation like this:

Wife: Do you love me?
Husband: A bushel and peck…
Wife looking expectant.
Husband:  And a hug around the neck!

I have never really thought about it a much until recently.  Being incredibly stupid or ignorant we made a trip to New Orleans the week after Mardi Gras 2020.  We went as the trip had been planned for a while.  The purpose of the trip was to visit an old family friend of Robin’s, Syble,  who had recently entered a nursing home.  The fear was if we did not make the trip soon it might be pointless later as she was in the early stages of dementia and not young. Continue reading “A bushel and a peck…”