Quote of the Day — Jaron Lanier

“Funding a civilization through advertising is like trying to get nutrition by connecting a tube from one’s anus to one’s mouth.”  ~~ Jaron Lanier 


Lanier is considered the father of virtual reality.  He had a  key role in the getting Internet off the ground.  And those are just some of his minor achievements. He is an extraordinary individual that most of us have not heard about.

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

Radiolab – The Cataclysm Sentence

Radiolab is one of my most favorite podcasts. When first I discovered it I went through their archives. I have literally listened to every episode that is available on Stitcher.  A bit of a feat as the podcast has been around a long while. It has been interesting watching the evolution of the show.  The early episodes were nerdy, sciencey, hidden side of things.  The current shows are  still many times that, but they have also branched off into social and philosophical realms.

This week’s episode is titled The Cataclysm Sentence.

The theme of this podcast was if Continue reading “Radiolab – The Cataclysm Sentence”

Quote of the Day — Jaron Lanier

“Social media is biased, not to the Left or the Right, but downward” — Jaron Lanier 



Lanier is considered the father of virtual reality.  He had a  key role in the getting Internet off the ground.  And those are just some of his minor achievements. He is an extraordinary individual that most of us have not heard about.

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day