Japanese Emperor Bangs Demonic Sun Goddess

C. Peter Wagner, an endorser of Gov. Rick Perry’s “The Response” prayer rally, explains that the nation of Japan is controlled by a demon spirit (The Sun Goddess) because the Emperor had sexual intercourse with her.

Wagner has been credited with founding the New Apostolic Reformation. This group conducts spiritual warfare against demons, seeks dominion over public institutions and government. Their goal is make America a “Christian” nation as they define it. As I understand they believe that the church leaders are apostles and prophets. Apparently the prophets have conversations with God and relay the skinny to the apostles.  Scary stuff.

C. Peter Wagner article at Wikipedia

Chinese factory suicide a good thing?

I’m still trying to get my mind around this.   Mattel has had to recall a million or so toys because of lead paint.   I heard on the radio that the plant manager from the Chinese factory responsible for putting the lead paint on the toys committed suicide.

A gentleman in the business segment of the morning NPR news show was commenting on the suicide story.   He said it was fairly common in Japan and Korea for business executives to commit suicide, but not very common in China.   He felt that this was possibly a good thing.   It might mean the Chinese were caring more about the quality and the safety of their products, and possibly a little less about the bottom line  at the expense of everything else.

This is about the time my head starting spinning, or maybe that was from getting out of bed too fast.  Continue reading “Chinese factory suicide a good thing?”