Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,773

yeah I know you did not ask!

Another random anecdote, Señora... I remember years ago – and I mean years ago – when I bought a pair of dress shoes for $50.  I thought I had done something extraordinarily extravagant.  Now days you cannot even buy a pair of junky sneakers for a Grant.  Heck, I just looked, you can spend close to a Benjamin on a pair of Crocs®!!!!

What started me down this path was the trip I took to Lowe’s this morning to buy some necessaries for fall yard work.  On the way there the dash board light came on in my pickup saying, “I’m hungry, feed me, feed me, I need push-a-line. ”

Without even having the time to wipe the tears out of my eyes I went through a c-note and a Jackson.

I think I have a sawbuck left in my wallet.

My how times have changed.

And so it goes.