I Cried Myself to Sleep

Okay, this most likely will only be of interest to family members… if anyone at all. I am not quite sure why I got to thinking about this.

We moved to Italy in 1964 for a stay of a little over three years.  My father would have been 33 and my mother 30, turning 31 in September of that year.  I don’t know about you, but in my early 30s I still had a lot of growing up to do, but then again, I took a long time to mature.  I am not sure I am there yet, and I hear my second childhood knocking (down?) on the door.

I would have just turned the ripe old age of 12 when we moved there.  My father had already been there for two or three months, and he had an Continue reading “I Cried Myself to Sleep”

Rush Boys 1957 – 1967

I was digging through some of my old VCRs and found one I forgot that I had.  It was entitled Rush Boys 1957 – 1967.  It will most likely be of interests only to me and my brothers… and possibly their families.  But what the heck, I can post it for free on YouTube and link to it from here… so why not.

My father had a home movie camera that I really do not remember him pulling it out all that often. To be honest the quality on this video is very poor and the videography leaves a lot to be desired. The really bad videography is a bit surprising as my father was Continue reading “Rush Boys 1957 – 1967”

Michelangelo’s David – Redux

Unless you have been doing the wise thing, and totally avoiding the news, you have seen or heard this news story: Principal resigns after Florida students shown Michelangelo statue

Apparently in one of the classes at this Christian school, students were shown a picture of the statue of David by Michelangelo. The lesson on Renaissance art, given to 11 and 12-year-olds, also included references to Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” painting and Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus“.  Of course, all three pieces of art display the unclothed or partially unclothed human body. They are also some of the most renowned pieces of art of Western civilization.

The article states that the principal was given the option of resigning in place of being fired.  The reason given was that she had not Continue reading “Michelangelo’s David – Redux”

Angels Sometimes Wear Bathing Suits

It was the mid 1960s.  My father, a technical representative for an aerospace company, had been assigned to work with the US Navy in Naples, Italy.  Because it was to be a long stint the whole family moved with him to Naples.

The first year we lived in the actual city of Naples.  However, four rambunctious American boys living in a city of apartment dwellers was not working out well. At the time of this story I was the eldest at 13 years old, Paul was 11, Mike was 10, and Jeff the youngest at 6 years old.  My parents would soon have a fifth son, Mark, born while we were there.

My father found a villa to rent several Continue reading “Angels Sometimes Wear Bathing Suits”

Frances Ginsberg – A Special Lady That Will Be Missed

FrannieWhenever I picture Fran entering a room, it is this presence riding in on the wings of an aria. Perhaps it was from being on stage all those years, she just filled whatever the space was with energy and a love for life.

Her life was a lot like the operas in which she performed — a series of crests and troughs. I suppose in many ways that could describe any of our lives. Fran just lived her life on a larger stage. She had had a successful opera career on two continents, alternating between Milan and New York for the last 25 or so years. Unfortunately, that has all come to an end.

She returned to Saint Louis 3 years ago to be treated for stage 4 ovarian cancer. While she was there she reacquainted herself with many old friends, including Robin with whom she had been a close neighborhood and school friend.  Robin likes to tell the story about the time they entered a talent contest together and did not even place. Robin still feels bad to this day as she is sure she is the reason. I am thinking Fran got over it.

The treatment seemed to be a success and Fran went back to Italy for a while. She had a relapse and returned to St. Louis for more treatment. Again the cancer seemed to go into remission. She returned to New York this time, but only to have the cancer return. Continue reading “Frances Ginsberg – A Special Lady That Will Be Missed”

Adding a second language

I’m in the process of trying to learn/relearn Italian.  Many moons ago I lived in Italy for 3 years during my Jr. High years.  I was never fluent, but I spoke enough to not be cheated in the markets and play with the Italian kids.

I would like to revisit the country for an extended period, and go to places off of tourist road.  So that is my motivation for studying the language.

I asked an Indian friend of my mine who is bilingual about language.   He has been in the USA for 7 years, and of course, English is widely spoken in India.  I was wondering about whether he thought in English, dreamed in English, did he need to translate English to his native tongue, etc.  Below is his well thought out answer: Continue reading “Adding a second language”