Effingham Trump’s Island

I have this on going fantasy.  Unfortunately, the technology is not available so I will need alien intervention.  When I say alien, what I really mean is extra-terrestrial beings with advanced technology.

My fantasy is this.  I want to locate an island somewhere of reasonable size that will remain a reasonable size despite global warming.  I want it to be in a part of the world where the temperatures are somewhat temperate, neither excessive cold or excessively hot.  The island will have an abundant supply of fresh water.

Around this island I want to create a force field that will allow the elements, animals, etc. in and out.  This force field will not be passable by human beings, except to deposit certain individuals.  There will be no communication between the individuals on this island and the outside world.  The one exception being hand gestures as I would want cameras all over the island.  These cameras would be connected to the Internet so the world could observe.

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