Bang, Bang…

As I have mentioned before, I do not live in the best part of Memphis.  It is not awful, but it has issues.  When I first took this job they had a requirement that I live in the city limits.  I chose this location because it was close to the office and fulfilled that requirement.  I really did not have a lot of good choices, especially for a rent I was willing to pay. They have since relaxed the requirement to living within the county, which IMHO is still onerous and unreasonable.  But hey a job is a job and inertia keeps me for moving.

The other night not too far from the abode there was a shooting.  It was not the first by far, but at least this time no one died.  The gun play was by two gentlemen fighting over a lady.  To my way of thinking this is silly beyond measure.  Obviously, the lady left one gentleman for another.   I would think that “winning” the lady would be punishment enough without putting a bullet into him.  I would bet an unreasonable sum of money that if she ran around on the first man, she will run around on the second.   And if she was the type of girl I could get back by shooting someone, I would be even more scared.   I’ve yet to see a female worth going to jail for.

And that is my story and I am sticking to it.

A Short History of Progress

a-short-history-of-progressA Short History of Progress by Ronald Wright available @

What is the difference between our 21st century global civilization, the ancient Sumerians, the Easter Islanders of Cook’s day, empirical Rome, or the Maya civilization.  Answer, not much.   The last four are all societies that had their heyday, become stuck in a paradigm, and then brought ecological disaster on themselves via overpopulation and over exploitation of natural resources.   “Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up”, Wrights quotes from some pertinent graffiti.  The cost this time could be in the billions of souls.

 This a short book 132 pages of actual text with another 68 or so of footnotes at the end.  It is a mad rush through human history exploring the collapse of those civilizations and a couple that have been more sustainable.  Continue reading “A Short History of Progress”