The Dying Middle Class

I do not know a lot about, but it does not strike as a progressive or liberal leaning web site.  Their stated view is that of business, and business in this country is definitely not in the liberal camp. All that makes it even more interesting that they would run the following article: 30 Statistics That Show The Middle Class Is Dying Right In Front Of Our Eyes

A couple quotes from the article to titillate your curiosity.

“Every single day, more Americans fall out of the middle class and into poverty  In fact, more Americans fell into poverty last year than has ever been recorded before. The number of middle class jobs and middle class neighborhoods continues to decline at a staggering pace.””

“Today, only 55.3 percent of all Americans between the ages of 16 and 29 have jobs.”

IMHO, the Occupy Wall Street movement has it right.  As long as the wealth gap grows the problem will continue. As long as corporations control our government and politicians it is not going to get any better.  The sad part is that so many Americans have bought in to the rhetoric of Libertarians, the Tea Party, etc.   As long as we continue to buy the proposition that any tax is bad, the rich will continue to be under taxed and the diminishing middle class will carry the burden.  As long as we continue with the myth of rugged individualism in this country will we not do the things we need to do to have a sane society.   As long as we continue to support businesses that have marched our jobs overseas, the headlong rush to all of us fighting over jobs flipping burgers will go on.  At some point we need to dig our collective heads out of our asses and fight back.  I wish I was hopefully that we will.


Bang, Bang…

As I have mentioned before, I do not live in the best part of Memphis.  It is not awful, but it has issues.  When I first took this job they had a requirement that I live in the city limits.  I chose this location because it was close to the office and fulfilled that requirement.  I really did not have a lot of good choices, especially for a rent I was willing to pay. They have since relaxed the requirement to living within the county, which IMHO is still onerous and unreasonable.  But hey a job is a job and inertia keeps me for moving.

The other night not too far from the abode there was a shooting.  It was not the first by far, but at least this time no one died.  The gun play was by two gentlemen fighting over a lady.  To my way of thinking this is silly beyond measure.  Obviously, the lady left one gentleman for another.   I would think that “winning” the lady would be punishment enough without putting a bullet into him.  I would bet an unreasonable sum of money that if she ran around on the first man, she will run around on the second.   And if she was the type of girl I could get back by shooting someone, I would be even more scared.   I’ve yet to see a female worth going to jail for.

And that is my story and I am sticking to it.

Harold Camping Predicting World Ends May 21, 2011

I’m not buying it thank you very much.   But if you do… Please donate all your worldly goods to me.  Contact me and I will give you the particulars on how to do so!!!!

Judgment Day, May 21, 2011, The Bible Guarantees It.

Rapture Day Parties by American Atheists

iPhone Rapture Detector App

It is funny. Apparently, it is really hard to shed oneself of the vestiges of one’s upbringing. The Southern Baptist religion I was brought up in is full of guilt and damnation with nearly every human action sinful. In it the vast majority of humanity is going to suffer eternal damnation in a fiery pit. I know they talk about Christ’s love and all that, but that is not the message I took away.

I think this Harold Camping fellow is totally bonkers, as I do of most religions. I understand the impulse to be religious, but IMHO opinion none of the religions hold up under scrutiny. YET, I feel a tinge of guilt or fear making fun of Camping and this rapture mania in general. The human mind is a strange critter at best.

Where is Hillary when you need her?

Perhaps I should have phrased it a little differently… an email to the White House via their website.
I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I am in Obama and his wavering on the public option. Without a public option, IMHO, there is no health care reform.

I wish he would stand up to Right that are doing everything they can to defeat health care reform. It is time to grow a pair.

I had some much hope when he got elected. He is turning out to be much too conservative for my taste, and too willing to compromise. To throw something as important as health care reform into the dysfunctional family that is Congress was a bad, bad, move. And now he is about to surrender about the public option. Where is Hillary when you need her? She has a pair.

Health Care Triage

I was passed an email that was basically trashing Hillary and Hillary’s proposed health care plan in particular.   Frankly, I have not studied or read enough about her plan to really comment on it.   And normally, I just let emails like this  pass, but for some reason I felt compelled to respond to that one.   Below is my response:

I’ve been thinking about this a little. One the issues with any health care plan is triage.   Basically, there are limited medical resources to go around no matter what the system.  So the question becomes how do we distribute those limited resources and who makes that decision.

Route 1:
This method would be by finances, which is basically in effect today.  If you got the money, you got the care.  Obviously this favors the wealthy over the poor and increasing the middle class

Continue reading “Health Care Triage”