Types of Vanilla Ice Cream

Señora had a dental procedure that left her less than 100% and made food choices a little problematic.  The obvious solution was ICE CREAM, plus it always nice to receive a treat after such things.  Being the wonderful, dutiful helpmate of a spouse that I am, off to the supermarket I went. Well, Wally World as I had to pick a few things that were not to be found at Schnucks.

Looking in the frozen food case at this epitome of the Continue reading “Types of Vanilla Ice Cream”

Fun In The Golden State

Robin and I recently took a trip to the west coast to visit my daughter and her family who live in Salem, Oregon.  Before we went there we did a little sightseeing in San icecreamtruckFrancisco and Sacramento.   We had a wonderful time, both sightseeing and visiting.  There were a couple out of the ordinary encounters that occurred.

San Francisco like most large cities has a lot of homeless folks.  Two individuals stand out in my memory although I do not believe the second to have been homeless.  The first was a very dirty white man of indeterminate age.  His clothes were dirtier than his body and they seemed to be disintegrating on him as he approached.  He reminded me of an actor I once saw at Medieval Fair playing the part of the village mad man.  This fellow in San Francisco was screaming at the top of his lungs in language I assume was English, but it was not very intelligible.  He was also gesticulating wildly.   He alarmed me somewhat, and I moved myself and Robin aside.

The second individual was a black man around 40 years of age.  He was dressed in a nice suit sans tie.  Continue reading “Fun In The Golden State”