An Overwhelming Number of Introvert Jokes

These are not original with me (duh), I stole them from a website called Bored Panda

Should I be concerned?  Many of these  I could related to at a very visceral level. Which ones? Well I tend to overshare on this site at times, so I will leave it to your imagination.


You never fully realize how anti-social you are until a pandemic strikes and your life does not really change that much.

Why does everyone force introverts to be talkative and leave their comfort zone, but no one forces the extroverts to shut up, even for a minute, to make the zone comfortable?

How many introverts does it take to screw in a light bulb?
What’s wrong with just sitting in the dark?

How do you make an introvert happy?

I always regret Continue reading “An Overwhelming Number of Introvert Jokes”