My Fair Lady

I’m not a huge show tune fan, but I do enjoy some.  I definitely enjoy musical theatre, and the occasional musical film from days of yore.  One of my favorites is My Fair Lady starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.  I am sure that everyone knows the tale; it is a retelling of the Greek myth of Pygmalion.  Who better to retell this tale than Bernard Bernard Shaw?

I watched the movie again this weekend.  It had been years since I had seen it.  I enjoyed the acting, the music and the movie.  While I could not sing all the songs like Robin, I did recognize all the tunes.

The film is from 1964 and the Shaw’s original play was written in 1912.  These are certainly different times when it comes to the relationship between men and women in the Western world.  I say this because I had forgotten the ending.  As it turned out it was very unsatisfying to me. Continue reading “My Fair Lady”