Word of the Day – Amphigory

  • Noun: Amphigory

    1. a nonsense verse or composition : a rigmarole with apparent meaning which proves to be meaningless
  • Synonyms:
    1. balderdash
    2. baloney
    3. bosh
    4. bull
    5. bunk
    6. cant
    7. drivel
    8. gibberish
    9. hooey
    10. rigmarole
    11. rubbish
    12. Allow me to add, before someone comments, what the polite Thesaurus did not include… bullshit
  • Usage:
    1. “Well?” she repeated more firmly

      This time I openly stared.”Is that cantilevering natural? Or is there an invisible bra, you being in fact the sole support of two dependents?”

      She glanced down, looked up and grinned. “They do stick out, don’t they? Your comment is rude, crude, unrefined, and designed to change the subject.””What subject?  I made a polite inquiry;  you parried it with amphigory.”

      “`Amphigory’ my tired feet!  I answered precisely.”

      “`Amphigory,'” I repeated. “The operative symbols were `mad, ‘`scientist,’ `beautiful,’ and `daughter.’ The first has several meanings –the others denote opinions. Semantic content: zero.”

  • Encountered:
    1. While reading The Number Of The Beast by Robert A. Heinlein

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