Letter on Health Care Reform

There is fixin’ to be a big brouhaha in Congress about Health Care reform.

Below is a letter (email actually) that I have sent to both my Senators and my representative.  You may not agree with some or all of my comments, but you need to make your voice heard on this.  We do not need to let the profit driven corporations dictate our level of health care or even if we have health care any longer.

Find your Senator’s email address here

Find your Representative’s email address here

Dear Senator/Representative: 

There is going to a concerted effort by the Obama administration to Continue reading “Letter on Health Care Reform”

Health Care Triage

I was passed an email that was basically trashing Hillary and Hillary’s proposed health care plan in particular.   Frankly, I have not studied or read enough about her plan to really comment on it.   And normally, I just let emails like this  pass, but for some reason I felt compelled to respond to that one.   Below is my response:

I’ve been thinking about this a little. One the issues with any health care plan is triage.   Basically, there are limited medical resources to go around no matter what the system.  So the question becomes how do we distribute those limited resources and who makes that decision.

Route 1:
This method would be by finances, which is basically in effect today.  If you got the money, you got the care.  Obviously this favors the wealthy over the poor and increasing the middle class

Continue reading “Health Care Triage”