Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,134

yeah I know you did not ask!

What do you call a group of elderly women?

I was riding my bicycle early in the morning at the Creve Coeur Lake Park.  Coming my way was a group of 12 or 15 elderly women riding their bikes.  I knew they were elderly as they all looked to be around my age plus or minus 10 years…old.  About a third of them were obnoxious morning people who insisted on saying “good morning” to me.  Did they not know I had short changed my coffee to get out there that early?

I begin to wonder what do you call a group of older women… a clutch, a coven, a pack,  a posse, madams, it is a murder of crows, a charm of foxes, a mob of kangaroos…

Just wondering, any good suggestions leave a comment.