Sexy Defined

Another story for the grandkids…about grandkids. 

When my son was around 3 or so we were all at my mother’s house for dinner.   My mother is very strict about manners and all the grandkids knew that unquestionably.  They all tried their darnedest (at least at that point in their young lives) to avoid a run in with Grandma about manners.  My son burps, and we all look at him expecting an “excuse me”.   He looks back at us and says, “It was the burp bird in my pocket.”  What you do after that?  

We did not know it then, but that incidence was a good foreshadowing of my son’s future personality. 

Fast forward 30 some odd years, Continue reading “Sexy Defined”

The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors

The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy’s Finest Hour by James D. Hornfischer available at

tincan1I don’t normally read books on war or military actions. I originally started to read this book because my mother’s brother is Paul Henry Carr. He died in this battle.

I remember hearing stories about him almost the whole time I was growing up. My grandmother would every once in a great while bring out his medals and show them to us grandkids. I think it made her proud and sad all at the same time. I remember a comic book about the battle that I believe was published by the Navy that she kept around the house. His sisters talked about him for many years like he had taken a trip to the coast and would be back soon. Continue reading “The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors”