
I found the origin of this word as used for gossip interesting.

Scuttlebutt in slang usage means rumor or gossip, deriving from the nautical term for the cask used to serve water.   Or in modern parlance gathering around the water cooler to gossip.

Growing up around the Navy bases I heard, “So what’s the scuttlebutt?” often.

Eavesdropping Terrorism

I’m really not an eavesdropper, but I am an observer.  Sometimes you cannot help but hear little snippets of conversation.

I was at the park stretching out before a jog.  A couple parking spots away from me were three twenty-somethings,  two gentlemen and a lady.  The young lady was highly tattooed and on crutches.  The two young men looked like a cross between 60ish hippies and members of an Indie rock band.  They seemed to just be out to enjoy the day.

As I stretched I heard a little snippet of conversation when the wind was coming at me, “Did you hear that she said that Ryan’s second child might not be his?”  Continue reading “Eavesdropping Terrorism”

The Five Agreements

fifth-agreementFrom the jacket cover of the book The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery by Ruiz & Ruiz available @


Speak with integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.


Nothing others do is because of you.  Continue reading “The Five Agreements”