You gotta go with your strength

One of my coworkers is a gentleman of 50 something years. He has a glass eye.

Wednesday of course, was Halloween, and they had a Trunk-or-Treat event in our office. The building had a costume event so there were more than a few souls not in business casual.

Where you get such things is beyond me, but my coworker had replaced his “dress” glass eye with a gag one. For all the world, it look like his eyeball was enucleating in a projectile fashion so that there was about 2 inches of “goo” projecting from his eye socket. To complete the ensemble he had fake blood on his white shirt. He was such a happy camper as folks would look at him, become aghast, then start twittering nervously.

My favorite definition of sanity is, “knowing how to go insane safely.” Bingo.