“And her husband?”

“And her husband?”

I was sitting in the surgery waiting room trying to pass the time until the doctor was done playing with Robin’s insides. I was reading a book, and the TV was tuned the World Cup game, the USA vs. Germany. The USA lost to Germany 1-0, but still managed to get to the round of 16 based on Portugal beating Ghana.

There were two women in the corner. One was white haired, and other middle-aged and more than a little overweight. They were also waiting for their significant other to come out of surgery.

What got my attention was the white haired ladies response, “He is independent, stupid, and overly macho.”

She continued, “Let me tell what type of guy he is. If he wants to going hunting and he asks for time off, if they tell him no, he just quits. He figures he get another job when he comes back.”

The middle-aged woman responded, “Why does she put up with that?”

“She says that she loves him to death”, replied the white haired woman.

The woman who asked the question sat there a moment, and the older woman went on, “ Of course she does, she has 3 kids she is trying to keep fed.”

The rest of the conversation disappeared into the drone of the TV.


And John Kerry called it…

John_F__KerrySpeaking at an international security conference in Munich, Germany, Kerry said:

“The aspirations of citizens are once again being trampled beneath corrupt, oligarchic interests – interests that use money to stifle political opposition and dissent, to buy politicians and media outlets, and to weaken judicial independence and the rights of non-governmental organizations.”

Most folks thought he was talking about Ukraine, but sounds a lot like what is going on the good old USA.