Transgender Bathrooms

4715One of the big issues waging in the never ending culture wars is “bathroom” laws.  This has been brought on by attempting to deal with transgender folks on a level that meets their needs.  Transgender people would like use public restrooms that match what they perceive as their gender identity.  Many states have passed laws attempting to force transgender people to use public restrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates.

First a confession, Continue reading “Transgender Bathrooms”

Herman Melville’s Moby Dick

I will not purport to write a review of Herman Melville’s book, Moby Dick or The Whale.  For me to do so would be pretentious beyond measure.  What I am attempting to do is proselytize for the book.  For some reason I missed reading this American classic until now.  Truth is I probably would not have appreciated the book when I was younger.

I do have a confession to make though.  I did not read the book, but listened to the audio-book which was a several day affair.  I spend so much time driving and at times my job is rote, I have found audio-books a wonderful way to fill the time.

What I knew of the book was the story of the obsessed Ahab and his hunt for the malevolent white whale, Moby Dick.  To me the book was a documentary with the story of Ahab’s hunt a vehicle for driving the narration forward and keeping the reader engaged.  Don’t misunderstand me, Ahab’s story is wonderful and there is much to be learned therein, but it is only part of the book.

The book is in large part a documentary on the Nantucket whaling industry of the 1800s, The  Deadliest Catch of its day.   It is also the natural history of the cetaceans as was known in 1850.  There is chilling passage in the book Continue reading “Herman Melville’s Moby Dick”

New York Times Editioral: What Happened to Obama?

This editioral appeared in the Sunday New York Times.   What Happened to Obama?  I personally think it is a must read if you are wondering what the hell happened to our country and Obama.

The last paragraph of the editorial pretty much sums up the situation for me.

“But the arc of history does not bend toward justice through capitulation cast as compromise. It does not bend when 400 people control more of the wealth than 150 million of their fellow Americans. It does not bend when the average middle-class family has seen its income stagnate over the last 30 years while the richest 1 percent has seen its income rise astronomically. It does not bend when we cut the fixed incomes of our parents and grandparents so hedge fund managers can keep their 15 percent tax rates. It does not bend when only one side in negotiations between workers and their bosses is allowed representation. And it does not bend when, as political scientists have shown, it is not public opinion but the opinions of the wealthy that predict the votes of the Senate. The arc of history can bend only so far before it breaks. ”  

I was rooting for Hillary from the git-go of Bush’s first term.  The woman has her issues (Bill?), but she knows the ropes, has the respect of her peers or least as much as you can in Washington.  And she is tough as nails.  I truly believe she has the good of little people in mind.

In part I blame the election of Obama on Oprah.  She spent years with every woman in America hanging onto her utterances.   However, when it came down to it, she chose race over gender.  Which is particularly sad considering how inexperienced Obama was and how experienced Hillary is.   But I also think that the corporate powers that really rule this country do not want competent leadership in Washington.  If that happens they might not be able run roughshod over the rest of us.

Deep sigh.

Feedback Requested

See the picture below.  This was sent to me by a person I care about.  I thought the picture was misogynist and promoted violence towards women.  I pointed this out to him. The sender took umbrage at this.

What do you think?  Is it an appropriate picture?  And just for grins and giggles if you do respond indicate your gender.  And please keep your discourse civil as I said it is from someone I care about.  Either he is off base or I am.

Then later on I passed Continue reading “Feedback Requested”

I pray…

I pray that we come to value each and every human for who they are, not what they are, or what they can produce.

I pray for the day when a person’s race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation does not limit their place/roles in life.

I pray that we come to learn that so many should not be hungry, thirsty or homeless when a few have more than they could use in a multitude of lifetimes. Continue reading “I pray…”