Imagine that Everyone Is Enlightened

So I finished The Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay.  In its place I have placed in the “meditation room” a book by Richard Carlson, Ph.D. entitled Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff… and it’s all small stuff. The title of the essay I read this morning was Imagine that Everyone Is Enlightened Except You. It immediately made me think of my first rule of driving:  Everyone on the road is an idiot except me, AND I should not be too sure about myself.

The base premise of the essay is that every obnoxious driver, discourteous clerk, line cutter, etc is actually an enlightened person that is trying to teach you a necessary lesson. They are teaching you about patience, forbearance, acceptance, etc.

Part of me finds this an interesting concept of how to go through your day and deal with all the frustrations, big and little, that come our way.  It would certainly help to maintain your blood pressure in an acceptable range.  But it does remind me a bit of the old joke about the man who prayed for patience.  Boy, did the deity send him some lessons to learn patience.

But then part of me thinks, “Well, Grasshopper, maybe you’re the enlightened person trying to teach them a lesson when you flip them off or get in their face…”

But then you say, “Oh Grasshopper, cannot you see that is two sides of the same coin?”

Must be a lot of us out there needing to get us some learning!

And so it goes…

Keep well.

Michelangelo’s David

david_statue_webI have always enjoyed the statue of David by Michelangelo.  There are a number of reasons for this. First, it is a wonderful expression of human achievement by a master at the top of his game.  The detail is phenomenal and exquisite.  The statue looks like with just slightest of breathes he could come alive and jump down from the pedestal to begin a full human life. 

Besides being a beautiful piece of art, it depicts a beautiful human.  It appears that the granite “DNA” has co-mingled to form the ideal male.  While not gay it is certainly a male body that I appreciate and enjoy observing.

There is also a more mundane reason I like the statue.  The male sexual organ as usually depicted and photographed would make Man-O-War blush with feelings of inadequacies.  As a young man this wonderful statue made me feel “normal”.  Well at least in that one regard.

There is a Jamaican man that works where I do. For the most part he is very understandable, but occasionally his accent and my mish mash of accents makes communication a little less than optimal.  He came around one day asking if I knew the artist Dávid.  Not being entirely sure what he had just said, I asked him if he was talking about Michelangelo’s statute of David.  He looked at me funny for a minute then said, “You mean the one with the small penis?” 

Make room in your stall , Man-O-War,  I’m coming in blushing from head to toe.

Is Rosie the Riveter gay or straight?

Rosie the Rivetor
Rosie the Rivetor

My girlfriend put on her Rosie the Riveter t-shirt before she went walking.  This generated a discussion.  Is Rosie the Riveter gay or straight? 

My contention is that she is a very self-confident woman.  She feels powerful and empowered.  She may be doing what is traditionally a man’s job, but she stills feel confidentially all woman on the inside and men are her thing.  She is not afraid to go after what she needs or wants, and this spills over into her sexuality. 

My girlfriend thought she was definitely gay, and butch gay to boot.

 What do you think?

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