Undereducated / Uneducated Americans

I have taken a more circuitous educational path than most folks.  My career road has perhaps been even more tortured.  Now factor in that I have lived in ten states and one foreign country.  One of the advantages of such meanderings is that I have studied in several different fields, seen many types of jobs and industries, and I have been exposed to a wide range of people.  

I do not see myself as atypical, but sometimes I wonder.  I work in a technical field, computer programming.  Most of the folks I work with are college educated, and many are very smart.   What does surprise me is the narrowness of their knowledge and world view.  The folks discussed below are smart and successful in their fields, but the following anecdotes do illustrate my point. 

I have an Indian co-worker that related to me a story about his birthday which is on the same day as Mohandas Gandhi.  Continue reading “Undereducated / Uneducated Americans”