The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

Avery TemplatesIn current parlance this novel could be called a bromance adventure story. It is also historical fiction. In researching the movies I came across 2 terse summaries of the story. Appended to the 1973 movie was:

“A young swordsman comes to Paris and faces villains, romance, adventure and intrigue with three Musketeer friends.”

The summary attached to the 2011 movie goes a little deeper:

“The hot-headed young D’Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war.”

A little more comprehensive plot summary would be along these lines. A young man from Gascon, D’Artagnan, goes to Paris to seek his fame and fortune. Continue reading “The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas”