High Cost of Cheap Eggs

Lessons From the Egg Recall: Cheap Food Makes You Sick – Huffington Post Article

I moved to cage free and preferably free range eggs a while back.  I’ve given up mayonnaise because the eggs in it come from such places.  While the eggs are pasteurized it would be an economic vote for such places as the Iowa factory farms producing the tainted eggs to buy such a product.

And eggs are not the only cheap food that has a high cost.  Just about all the meat (chicken, turkey, beef, and pork) in the supermarkets of this country comes from industrialized farms.  It has been well documented why these are not good places, and definitely not good places to get the food that nourishes your body.  As much as I love a good steak, I cannot in good conscience eat one anymore.

This is a capitalistic society.  Dollars are economic votes.  Is seemingly cheap more important than the environment, the workers in such places,   the animals welfare, or if self interest motivates, your health?  Is it really ethical to sustain such places with your continued participation by buying their product?  Unfortunately, for so many of these corporate operations, the bottom line is what matters.  It should be different, but they only change when they see their bottom lines headed the wrong way.

How are you voting?

Eating Animals – Jonathan Safran Foer

Eating Animals – Jonathan Safran Foer available at Amazon.com

eatinganimalsThis is an easy book to read. This is a hard book to read. It is easy in that it is well written, not overly dense, and well researched. It is hard in that if you have not thought about this issue or have and attempted to compartmentalize it away, some of scenes and practices depicted will not sit easy.

I love a good steak and usually like it grilled “medium moo”. Sometimes I just have to get my KFC on. And, boy howdy, do I my like bar-b-queue.

But then I think back to another life time when I was Continue reading “Eating Animals – Jonathan Safran Foer”

A Clean Colon…

Trials & Tribulations of Sister Lorie

Note to self:

The next time the husband decides that a ‘gallbladder cleanse’ is a good idea and that your participation is also a good idea…. Ask lots of questions.  I knew that I was in possession of a gallbladder, but I must say that I was unclear as to what it does.  I’ve known people that have had theirs removed and still function well.  It’s possible that I had not given that organ much thought until the cleanse weekend.

Leaving the preparations largely up to the husband, Continue reading “A Clean Colon…”