Home Kitchen and Food Safety Inspection

The following article appeared in HuffPost: 8 Common Kitchen Habits That A Food Safety Inspector Might Fail You For

This reminded me of an incidence in my first bout of matrimonial swamp fever.  Needing a job, any job, I started working for the Arkansas Department of Health as a County Sanitarian (Health Inspector). I said job, any job, because this position entailed some very serious responsibility for the public safety, not only in Continue reading “Home Kitchen and Food Safety Inspection”

USOC to ship 25,000 pounds of food to China

Next time you go to a US supermarket and pick up a food package with a produced in China label give this some consideration.  This is from an article by Suzie Richards in The Retriever Weekly.

Recent reports have revealed that the United States Olympic Committee has been busy planning the team’s preparations for the summer games. The committee has announced that Team USA will not be eating the local Chinese food at this summers’ games, but instead 25,000 pounds of meat and other food will be shipped from America to the training camp at Beijing Normal University.

The decision comes in response to a food safety check carried out on Chinese foods. Dangerously high level of steroids were found in chickens and other food products. Continue reading “USOC to ship 25,000 pounds of food to China”