Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,667

yeah I know you did not ask!

Outside our kitchen window is one of the back yard gardens.  In this garden there are several bird feeders.  On our patio there is also a hummingbird feeder as well as 2 or 3 birdhouses that are sometimes occupied.  Frequently there will be several different species of birds  taking advantage of the feeders.  On the ground below the feeders, dining on the unopened sunflower seeds that the feeder savvy birds have dropped, can be seen mourning doves, grey squirrels and on rare occasions, a chipmunk.  Not uncommonly, hummingbirds are in the area and other birds are in the vines that weave their way through the trellis overhanging the patio.

While standing at the kitchen sink looking out at this tableau I know I have seen Snow White with a blue bird on her finger… or perhaps the coffee was just too strong that particular morning.