Spiritual Quotient

I encountered the following article while scanning the news Monday morning, 13 Types of Intelligence (Which Ones Are You?), The fact that they found 13 types of intelligence peaked my curiosity enough to cause me to click the bait.  I knew about IQ, Intelligence Quotient, being blessed to be somewhere on the right side of that famous bell curve. I knew about EQ, Emotional Quotient, mainly because one of my former intimate partners once shoved a cassette tape (yeah, that long ago) into my face (well my hands) telling me that I needed to listen to it as I had an EQ…wait for it… of zero.

I am not sure I agree with their thesis that there are so many different types of intelligence. However, of the 13 types of intelligence listed in the article the one that captured my attention the most was, Continue reading “Spiritual Quotient”

Quote for the Day – Sarah Weiss

One of Sarah’s favorite quotes.  It seems to be originally attributed to several folks, so I am going with Sarah as the one who brought it to my attention.

“I have faith in our wondrous capacity for hope and good, love and trust, healing and forgiveness…faith in the blessing of our infinite ability to wonder, question, pray, feel, think and learn…I have faith, faith in the infinite possibilities of the human spirit.”

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day