Fanny Farmer’s Whole-Egg Mayonnaise (Blender Mayonnaise)

This easy blender mayonnaise recipealso can be made with electric beaters. Fanny Farmer Cookbook


  1. 1 egg
  2. ½ teaspoon dry mustard
  3. ½ teaspoon salt
  4. 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
  5. 1½ cups olive or other oil *
  1. Put the egg, seasonings and ¼ cup oil in the blender and whirl until well mixed (20 to 30 seconds).
  2. Pour in the rest of the oil in a steady stream. Stop as soon as the emulsion is smoothly blended.

This recipe is from The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

* The olive oil makes for a very strong flavor… try regular oil for a milder more traditional tasting mayonnaise.  Rev. Joe Dirt

Now I can get free range organic eggs and have my mayonnaise… woo woo!   When Robin made some homemade mayo, I was blown away by how much better it was than the stuff in jars I have been getting for years.  Not sure if this is her recipe, but close.


High Cost of Cheap Eggs

Lessons From the Egg Recall: Cheap Food Makes You Sick – Huffington Post Article

I moved to cage free and preferably free range eggs a while back.  I’ve given up mayonnaise because the eggs in it come from such places.  While the eggs are pasteurized it would be an economic vote for such places as the Iowa factory farms producing the tainted eggs to buy such a product.

And eggs are not the only cheap food that has a high cost.  Just about all the meat (chicken, turkey, beef, and pork) in the supermarkets of this country comes from industrialized farms.  It has been well documented why these are not good places, and definitely not good places to get the food that nourishes your body.  As much as I love a good steak, I cannot in good conscience eat one anymore.

This is a capitalistic society.  Dollars are economic votes.  Is seemingly cheap more important than the environment, the workers in such places,   the animals welfare, or if self interest motivates, your health?  Is it really ethical to sustain such places with your continued participation by buying their product?  Unfortunately, for so many of these corporate operations, the bottom line is what matters.  It should be different, but they only change when they see their bottom lines headed the wrong way.

How are you voting?

Word of the Day – Virgin

  • Noun:  Virgin
    1. a person who has never had sexual intercourse
    2. a person who is naive, innocent, or inexperienced, especially in a particular context.    “a political virgin”
    3. Entomology – a female insect that produces eggs without being fertilized.
  • Adjective:
    1. being, relating to, or appropriate for a virgin.    “his virgin bride”
    2. not yet touched, used, or exploited. “a virgin forest”
  •  Synonyms:
    1. chaste
    2. virginal
    3. celibate
    4. abstinent
    5. unused
    6. untouched
    7. innocent
  • Usage:
    1. “My soul flits away into the virgin forests and to the savannas. All is beautiful.” ~~ from Les Miserable by Victor Hugo
  • Encountered:
    1. I used the word at work in the sense of being inexperienced; “I was a virgin at picking at people until Chris taught me how.”  They ran away from me like I had said something pornographic.

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day