Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,889

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was reading an article about the recent Republican National Convention.  The article referred to Mike Pence as Gospodin Trump’s wing man.  At the time I thought, “wingnut would be more accurate.”  Ruminating on that, I thought, “No, the function of a wingnut is to help hold things together.”  This administration’s handling of the country is more like a turbine breaking up at high speed.  Watch out for flying parts.

I am not sure what the appropriate term is for just another nut job circling around planet 666 aka Trump’s Dystopian World is, but anything I can think of is not appropriate for mixed company and children.

My Luddite Rebellion Against Wally World

yeah I know you did not ask!

There is a big push in many stores to decrease the number of checkers and force the clients into self-service checkout.  I have not problem with technology having spent the majority of my adult life programming computers.  What I do have a problem with is the decrease in service level at many stores, especially Wal-Mart which has always had bad service. I also believe that the Waltons do not need any more money, and decreasing employees is a way to increase their profits.  My other issue is the elimination of jobs for Homo sapiens.

One of the earliest Kurt Vonnegut novels is Player Piano.  The Wikipedia synopsis sums Continue reading “My Luddite Rebellion Against Wally World”