SING… Sing where you can…

If you ask the lyrical Señora Weinhaus she will quickly tell you that her life is music.  If she could not sing I am not sure she would find life worth living.  Normally she sings in in several choirs, but all that has been curtailed due to COVID-19.

She met two of her mates from the Hospice Choir at a tunnel on the Creve Coeur bike path.  Bonnie’s husband shot this video of their jubilation.

We got a long way to go

I went for a short bike ride this a.m., about 26 miles. To do this I went out to Creve Coeur Park.  I went to a  lesser used trailhead on River Valley Drive.  This particular starting point allows me to do a little warm up within the park.  I then go over the Missouri River and drop down on to the Katy Trail.  This particular day I rode to and through St. Charles on this rail to trail project, waving to the statue of Lewis & Clark that is between the trail and the Missouri River in Old Town St. Charles.

As I was unloading my bicycle from the back of my pickup truck, I vaguely noticed a black sedan go by. As this road / parking lot dead ends just before the bike path, the car had to turn around and come back.  As they passed me the young “lady” in the passenger seat screamed, “TRUMP KICKS ASS.”

I am sure this was in response to several anti-Trump  bumper stickers on my back windshield.  You can see a picture on my article Ooops…Wrong Digit. I have since added one bumper sticker whose boldest part is Stop The Donald, basically equating our POS POTUS to a sexually transmitted disease.  After I  put the first set on my truck on 20 January 2017 I was flipped off multiple times.  I have not been flipped off for at least 2 years now.  In fact, I have had people comment in parking lots, etc. that they agreed with me.

I am not sure it is the smartest thing I could do, place inflammatory political bumper stickers on a valuable possession, but it needs to said.  And it needs to be said often.  What are you for in these troubled times?  I do understand that folks are afraid of antagonizing MAGAs, but we must stop this madness.

86 45 11-03-2020

Keep well.