I can be a little ornery at times…

6 years ago I sneaked onto my bride’s Facebook page and posted this as if she had written it.  Fortunately, she did not beam me with a frying pan.

David has been crying the BLUES about missing the South. One of the things he misses is crepe myrtle. Do you know how hard it is find any that will grow in zone 6 aka St. Louis? Well, I found some. 3 of the suckers for $150. I planted those puppies along our property line. 2 red crepe myrtles and one pink. The son-of-a-sea-biscuit better stop the alligator tears about a blue bayou now.

Tee hee hee…

Did I hear someone say, “A little ornery? At times?”

After 6 years the crepe myrtle is still going strong, but they have never gotten tall like they do down south.  They basically die back to ground level every winter, and start fresh shoots at ground level in the spring.  They are very pretty in the middle of the summer.