Home Kitchen and Food Safety Inspection

The following article appeared in HuffPost: 8 Common Kitchen Habits That A Food Safety Inspector Might Fail You For

This reminded me of an incidence in my first bout of matrimonial swamp fever.  Needing a job, any job, I started working for the Arkansas Department of Health as a County Sanitarian (Health Inspector). I said job, any job, because this position entailed some very serious responsibility for the public safety, not only in Continue reading “Home Kitchen and Food Safety Inspection”

Restaurant Red Flags

What triggered this post was an article about a TikTok video posted by a health inspector… somewhere too far north.  I read the article, but I passed on the video.  However, the link to both is at the bottom of this post. Enjoy.

In 1983 my ex-spouse had found a job in Arkansas and I was living in Tulsa, by gawd, Oklahoma.  Deciding I needed to be in Arkansas also meant I needed a job.  A position as a County Sanitarian (Health Inspector) Continue reading “Restaurant Red Flags”

From NYT: It’s the Fauci Awards!

Back in the 80s I worked a dual function position in a rural county in Arkansas.  On one side I was Administrator of the Local County Health Department.  A function that was more or less office manager for the Health Unit and I interfaced with public officials in and outside the county.  When I put on my other hat I was the County Sanitarian.  As a Registered Sanitarian I had a wide range of duties Continue reading “From NYT: It’s the Fauci Awards!”