Links on H-1B Issue

As I find them I am going to add links about the H-1B / outsourcing issue that  is quickly eroding the life style of  middle class worker in this country.  All in the name of profit at any cost.

HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.

Here is a link to a blog entry on  It is somewhat long, but is an interesting case study in what is so wrong with this country (world?) that has been hijacked by corporate greed.

HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.

I’ve been having a bit of a discussion about what is evil (See the article on Epicurus’  old questions).

It is obscene for the executives of these corporations to make the money they do.  Continue reading “HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.”