Random Thought # 762,514

…yeah I know you did not ask!

A while back I was watching Monster’s Ball with a girlfriend.  The scene came on where Billy Bob Thornton is in a motel room with a local “lady” of the evening.  The act was very impersonal with the hooker acting like they were chatting over coffee. It was definitely going to be one of those cases of a mini rate for a mini stay.

The girlfriend asked me if that is how it was.  I replied that I had no idea since I had never engaged professional services for that area of my life.  And I have not.

I have since ruminated on that conversation.  If I ever got to the point where I was so horny that I thought I needed those services, it would probably be over so quickly as to make it not worth the money spent.  Plus the Scottish in me would not allow me to pay for something I could take care of myself. Please don’t tell Christine O’Donnell. She might have to place me on a Wiccan altar and have a midnight sacrifice/picnic. Cream with your coffee, Christine?

Our Muffins Are Not Crack

Pilot Travel CenterI’m traveling back to St. Louis for the weekend.  I need gas and a bathroom break so I pull into one of the many Pilot truck stop/gas stations on I-55.  I gas up my car and when I am done the receipt pops out of the pump.  I notice on the bottom is a coupon for a $1 coffee, tea, some other drink and I vaguely notice the word muffin.

I had planned on getting coffee anyway so after my bathroom break I get one.  The coupon is going to save me about 40 cents.  As old Ben said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Continue reading “Our Muffins Are Not Crack”

Bowling: How to Master the Game

Bowling: How to Master the GameBowling: How to Master the Game by Parker Bohn III available @ Amazon.com 


I am not sure who the intended audience for this book was. I not sure the authors knew who the intended audience was, either.

I bowled some as a young teenager. I’m in my 50s now and I have started to bowl some again. What I wanted and needed was a book of basic instruction on the proper techniques and strategy of bowling. Having read some of the reviews that is what I thought I was getting.

If I had been able to pick this book Continue reading “Bowling: How to Master the Game”