Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,959

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m down in Chesterfield Valley, the local generica full of strip malls and chain stores,  waiting at a stop light behind a smallish SUV with multiple bumper stickers.  The one that caught my eye was “Abolish ICE“.

I thought, “Well we are already doing a pretty good job of that, the way we are ignoring the impending climate change disaster.” Then I noticed their “Combat Climate Change” bumper sticker, and went, “naayy.”

I then wondered about hockey, thinking that could be a dangerous sticker in this area full of fanatical St. Louis Blues hockey fans.

Indubitably, they were referring to the federal agency, U.S. Immigration  and Customs Enforcement, commonly known as ICE.  Without question, ICE is overzealous far too much of the time, but I don’t think I would want to abolish the agency completely.

The way traffic was I never did see the person driving, but obviously an activist individual.

One Small Rebellion Against Trump

This is just one example of many possible examples of how petty and low we have sank as a nation under the disaster masquerading as a human being, Gospodin Trump.

I needed some new light bulbs, but I required ones with a candelabra base for a ceiling fan light.  This POS, this so called POTUS, for some unknown reason has rolled back the regulations mandating the use of energy saving light bulbs.  When asked why, he had no explanation, but said a report was forthcoming.  I am assuming some crony of his will benefit from the sale of old style light bulbs.

The only other reason that makes sense is that he is doing all he can to destroy the planet.  I am clueless as to why anyone in this day and age will deny the reality of climate change.  I believe the scientist on this one, but even if they are wrong, we still need to be hedging our bets just in case they are right.

I made damn sure I found the energy saving style of light bulb, and as I picked them up I thought, “Fuck you, Donald Trump!”

BBC article – How Western Civilization Could Collapse

Here is an article I found worth my time to read.  An excerpt from the article is chilling.

“That economic stratification may lead to collapse on its own… Under this scenario, elites push society toward instability and eventual collapse by hoarding huge quantities of wealth and resources, and leaving little or none for commoners who vastly outnumber them yet support them with labour. Eventually, the working population crashes because the portion of wealth allocated to them is not enough, followed by collapse of the elites due to the absence of labour.”


The sad part to me is that this is a story that has repeated itself multiples in our history, yet we are not smart enough to learn from it. Or perhaps we do not have the gumption to push against the greedy hoarders and those more interested in the current profit.

Ann Wagner, Global Warming Denier…Be scared, very scared

Okay I know that Senators and Congress folks really do not read a sliver of the email they get, but this is pretty outrageous.  I went onto Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s site to ask that she not support the Keystone Pipeline project for causes-of-global-warmingenvironmental reasons.  They force you to choose a subject so I chose Climate Change.

This is the form letter I got back.  It is one of the scariest things I have read in a long time.  The only place that climate change is being debated is within Republican circles and only then because big money wants to continue to make big money at everyone else’s expense.  The percent of scientist that are in agreement on global warming being caused by humans is almost unanimous.  Either this woman is an idiot who cannot understand basic science, such an ideologue that she refuses to face hard evidence, or so enamored with her position as a  high and mighty Congresswoman that she is going to go along with the party line to remain so.  No matter what the reason she scares the living snot right out of my body.  The fact that we continue to elect idiots like this does not speak well for our country.

Just as an aside she never once addressed the main subject of my email, the Keystone Pipeline.  Now there is responsive public service.

I am including the whole text of her form letter response.  Read it with the lights on.   It is indeed a horror story of complete and utter stupidity.


Dear Citizen Rush,Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding climate change. I appreciate your views on this issue and welcome the opportunity to respond. Continue reading “Ann Wagner, Global Warming Denier…Be scared, very scared”

Presidential Candidates

Rick Perry –Do we really want a President who wants to eliminate Federal agencies, and cannot even remember the names of the agencies he wants to axe?  This is the same man who believes global warming/climate change to be a myth and we should not be addressing the issue.  I want a President with intelligence who does not believe in fairy tales.

Herman Cain – He keeps repeating that we need a businessman in the White House.  Pardon me, but was it not business that has gotten us into this current economic morass? There are multiple allegations of sexual harassment of women by Mr. Cain.  I tend to think where there is this much smoke, there must be fire.  Do we really want a President that does not respect women anymore than this?  It is one thing to be a cad like Clinton.  It is quite another thing to attempt to force trading sexual favors for a job.  We need a President with a moral center.

Michele Bachman – All I can say is that she lives in a delusional world.

Ron Paul – The America that this man envisions is not an America I want to live in.  Continue reading “Presidential Candidates”

Only 6% of Scientists are Republicans

This article is drawing the conclusion that because most scientist are Democrats (or at least not Republicans) it draws into question the science behind some big issues today.

Climate change is the example given. Whether you believe that climate change is happening splits down party lines. Which makes me wonder about how much our politicians are really examining the issues, but that is another topic. The article wonders if science is pushing science or perhaps politics (and funding) is pushing science.

I have another question. Scientists on the whole are a very well educated group. They are trained to look at most things in a critical and factual manner. If you do not know the answer they are trained to search for it, or say we really do not know at this time.

Given the above, I find it very interesting that only 6% are Republicans. But that is just me!

Article at
Most scientists in this country are Democrats. That’s a problem.