Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 3,124

…yeah I know you did not ask!

I feel sorry (among other things) for those men in societies that treat women as second class citizens, as property, as less than humanHow wonderful it is to have a co-equal partner to share the world’s joys and sorrows with.  I can only hope that if they had even an inkling of an idea of what a gift it is they would change their behavior.  However, social and religious pressures can be an amazing force for the status quo.

My Girlfriend Attempts to Poison Me

A few years back Robin and I signed up to take field class on identifying edible mushrooms in Missouri.  I ended up with a  conflict and could not make the class, but Robin went.  She came back that Saturday evening with a bag full of edible wild mushrooms and a chest full of excitement.

About a week later she decides to go mushroom hunting on her own in a local park, Faust Park, which has several heavily wooded acres.  She comes home again with a chest full of excitement and bags full of wild mushrooms.  However, this time she did not have an expert teacher with her, and she did not really know what she had.  She spread her bounty upon newspapers on the bar between the kitchen and the eating area.  I had loaned her my mushroom identification book so she was hoping to identify what she had gathered. Continue reading “My Girlfriend Attempts to Poison Me”

It’s the Journey, Not the Destination

I don’t totally agree with this blog posting from the New York Times, but parts of it make a lot of sense.  Or at least give you something to think about.

I know that I am not athletic.  I know that I am not musical. I do know that I can improve my sports performance in some areas by practice.   I doubt I could ever improve enough to be in even the minor leagues of any sport.  I can just about guarantee you that if I had practiced everyday from childhood to now; I would not be wowing anyone with my musical ability.

I do know that I have gotten much better at writing computer programs and solving the related problems. Continue reading “It’s the Journey, Not the Destination”

Yo Soy Canadiense

I was raised a semi military brat.  My father was in the Navy for a decade, and then went to work for an aircraft company.   That left us still around the military and military bases all the time.

I never wanted to go into the military, but I loved John Phillips Sousa, the pomp and circumstances of the military, their parades, the flag, and I always felt a great deal of pride to be an American.  When  I was a teenager we lived in Italy.  Folks would frequently guess my blonde self to be German, I was quick to point that I was an American. 

This continued even through my protesting the Vietnam War.  Somehow I divorced the policies of our government from the actions of my country.  I was not proud of the war, but I was still proud of America.

Something slowly happened over the next several years. Continue reading “Yo Soy Canadiense”