Interesting Medal of Honor Factoid

Theodore Roosevelt of Rough Rider fame in the Spanish-American War was nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor repeatedly.  There were multiple letters from a wide range of people in this campaign.  Probably for political reasons he was never awarded the medal during his lifetime.

103 years later, after Congress changed the law on posthumous awards of military medals, he received it. It took another campaign during which the Army turned down the request once.  Bill Clinton signed the award into law during the waning days of his administration.

There are now two sets of father and son to receive this medal.  Theodore Roosevelt and his son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. who received it actions on D-Day at Normandy, are one set.  The other set is Arthur MacArthur during the Civil War and his son Douglas MacArthur (yes that one) during WWII.

Now you know.

The United States is in a Civil War

The United States of America is involved in a civil war.  Sadly, most of the population is not aware of the war raging around them.   It is a war for the heart and soul of America and the American dream.

On the left side of the Koch-Kennedy line are millions of ordinary folks.  They only want the chance to work, and to work at a decent wage.  They want to be able to raise families, pay their bills, get reasonable healthcare, and to not fear old age as a time poverty and sickness.  As a bonus they want to be able to have a savings so that they do not have to live paycheck to paycheck.  Ideally, there is enough money left over after this for some recreation.  Perhaps it is just me, but I do not see these as unreasonable desires.  There are roughly 280,000,000 folks that probably fit into this category, about 90% of our population.

On the right side of the Koch-Kennedy line Continue reading “The United States is in a Civil War”