Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,958

yeah I know you did not ask!

After scanning the news headlines this morning I decided there are two courses that should be required in every high school. The first, Civics, so people have some general sense about how our government should function.

The second course would be Civility.  Reading about people misbehaving so badly in businesses that have reopened in the middle of this pandemic it seems many folks are lacking in basic manners. I keep thinking of one of my Mother’s pet peeves that she strove mightily to drive into core of her 5 sons…with varying degrees of success, CFOP.  Which stands for Consideration For Other People.  If she caught you in a faux pas in this regard she had a whole spiel she would launch into wherein the acronym CFOP was repeated an amazing number of times.

Just for good measure a few semesters of US and World History would not hurt also.


Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,235

yeah I know you did not ask!

As we go through life we develop triggers that bring back memories.  I have no way of enumerating mine, but I suspect I have 100s if not thousands of the little beggars.  Right now I am thinking of two of mine that have been persistent over many years.  One is sweet, and the other, perhaps, a little weird.

Between my stint at the University of Rhode Island and finishing up college at the University of Central Oklahoma I took Continue reading “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,235”