Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,749

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Robin and I were gifted a couple electronic fly swatters a few years ago.  See the article: Rev. Joe Uncovers an International Conspiracy

Sad to say, I found out I was a bit sadistic as there is a certain sense of satisfaction watching and listening to a fly fry on the surface of the zapper.

I was wondering, though, if the zappers will work against cicadas. If you believe the news, we are about to have the cicada apocalypse here in St. Louis. The way they are going on, it has started to sound like a trailer for a Hitchcock movie.

Just saying.

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