Nickel Philosophy for a Saturday

I think the Buddha had it right, when you are chopping wood, chop wood. We spend so much of our time living in the past or worried about the future, that we miss the here and now. The Here and Now is all we really have. We need to be present in the present. I frequently remind myself of this when I am doing mundane tasks with some degree of boredom and/or resentment. It is amazing how pleasant even a task like cleaning the bathroom can become if you focus your being on what you are doing. I’ve been known to say to myself, “When you are folding t-shirt, fold t-shirts.” The results are always better with the change in perspective. We spend so much time multi-tasking that we never really concentrate on chopping wood. And that my friend is my nickel philosophy for a Saturday, Be Present.

As an aside that sound you hear is Robin saying, “Why don’t you practice a little of the Buddhism you are preaching, and clean the bathrooms.”

The Secret to Happiness

What is the secret to happiness?  In the adult education Spanish class I am taking, we are reading the book, El Alquimista (The Alchemist) by Paulo Coelho.  The book touts itself as a fable about following your dreams.

Within this fable is a parable about a merchant sending his son off to consult the wisest of wise men on the secret to happiness.  After a long and arduous journey the young man arrives at the abode of the Wiseman.  He is sent off for two hours to tour the magnificent structure, but with a teaspoon of oil in his hand and an admonition to not spill the oil.  The young man returns to the Wiseman who asks him what he had seen. Continue reading “The Secret to Happiness”

It’s the Journey, Not the Destination

I don’t totally agree with this blog posting from the New York Times, but parts of it make a lot of sense.  Or at least give you something to think about.

I know that I am not athletic.  I know that I am not musical. I do know that I can improve my sports performance in some areas by practice.   I doubt I could ever improve enough to be in even the minor leagues of any sport.  I can just about guarantee you that if I had practiced everyday from childhood to now; I would not be wowing anyone with my musical ability.

I do know that I have gotten much better at writing computer programs and solving the related problems. Continue reading “It’s the Journey, Not the Destination”

Would Buddha Drive a Porsche?

I recently bought a little sports car for all the materialistic, mid-life crisis reasons guys my age buy little sports cars.   I used the typical rationalizations to justify my purchase.   It gets better gas mileage;  it has less impact on the environment, etc.  

I knew it would be fun to drive, but what I have discovered that it is very much a “now” experience.   When I’m driving this car, shifting through 6 gears, I am in the moment, and I stay in the moment.   It does not seem to matter if I am on the interstate, a back road, or a city street.   I look forward to driving to work each morning.

An old Buddhist saying is, “When you are chopping wood, chop wood.”   When I am driving this car, I am driving this car.   All of which made me wonder, “Would Buddha  drive a Porsche?”