Occasionally Señora does not feel like preparing dinner. When I hear this I offer to take us out to eat, but sometimes she just feels like staying in. In that scenario we occasionally will get Chinese carryout. This happens a handful of times every year. I cannot say there is a Chinese carryout restaurant close that we are wild about, but Dynasty Chinese Restaurant on Clarkson is acceptable, most of the time. It is small, without seating, doing all its business as delivery or carryout, accepting only cash or checks.
There is another Chinese carryout restaurant close to our house that I liked the food better, but one night, going to pick up our order, I made the mistake of using their restroom. I have not been back.
Every time I have gone to get our food at the store on Clarkson there is an older Caucasian guy working the counter. I do not believe he has any ownership in the business, but he has Continue reading “Duck Dynasty Chinese Food”