The Magic of Dogs

The peerless Señora Weinhaus has two long term friends, Greg and Jeanne.  She met the both of them when all were taking classes in Reiki some 20 years ago.  In fact she has two other long term friends from the same class, a retired meteorologist from Sicily named Vincenzo and his partner Maury.  Despite living in this country for 50 years Vince still has a fairly thick Italian accent, but I believe his command of English is better than mine.  You will not find many other folks more interesting to converse with than Vincenzo.   Maury hails from Brazil, but  I thought him a native North American the first time I met him as his accent is so perfectly Midwestern.  Maury can give Vince a run for his money in the conversation department… when he can get a word in edgewise.  That is always Continue reading “The Magic of Dogs”