Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,342

yeah I know you did not ask!

A little after I woke up this morning I looked at the weather app on my phone.  For all the world I was hoping I had changed it from Fahrenheit to Celsius.  I do that sometimes as I talk regularly with folks in other countries via Skype in my endeavor to learn the Spanish language.  While I can do the temperature conversion fairly rapidly in my head, it easier just to change the settings on the app.  People living on or close to the equator are somewhat fascinated by cold and variable weather of the northern latitudes.  Or maybe we are just trying to find a topic to talk about!

The story I like to tell about is talking to a young man in Honduras.  When he popped on my Skype screen he was in a jacket and had on mittens.  I asked him if he was cold.  He replied that he was freezing and explained to me it was 15 degrees (59 degrees Fahrenheit). All is relative.  Some folks here would have been in shorts at that temperature in January.

Long story, short…I had not changed the temperature scale in use on my phone.  It is just freaking cold today and getting colder.