Boys Will Be Boys

golf-cartI generally work a half day on Fridays which allows me to go golfing in the afternoon if the weather is nice.  At the course I generally go to, they have a senior scramble Friday mornings.  When I say senior,  I mean most of the guys appear to be in their 60s and 70s. They are generally in the club house when I get there between 1 and 2.  They are going over the standings, prizes, etc. If not that they are in the parking lot unloading their golf carts.

I check in, and go to the first tee.  As I am warming up I hear all this racket, gravel spewing, old men laughing hysterically  and cheering.  I look through the woods to the graveled parking lot to discover that they are having golf cart drag races.

Of course, at this point in the round, more than a few Budweiser have had their tops popped.  However, boys will be boys no matter their age.