Carr Beans

I want to give props to my homey, Master Gardener, Harry H., of North Barrington, IL.

The last time we had a Carr Family reunion was around 2008 or 2009. It was a smaller one, probably a little over 100 souls were there.  With the passing of all The Eight Carr Sisters except my mother, daughters of the family matriarch, Mama Carr, and the aging of the 1st cousins of that generation, it will, in all likelihood,  be the last one.  As the generations spread out from Continue reading “Carr Beans”

I may be in a heap of trouble…

The following article popped up in my Google news feed: Nose Picking Could Increase Risk for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

The Carr side of my family is famous for faces endowed with distinctive sniffers.  I am no exception. My son used to refer to my proboscis as a B-52 Booger Bomber, for all I know he may still do so.

A well functioning airplane maintenance program includes keeping the aircraft clean, outside AND in. Being the son of aerospace technical representative, I have internalized his maxims about maintaining your tools and machines.  My rather cavernous airship definitely requires regular internal attention.  Respecting my father’s wise words I am more than prone to provide regular cleaning services… discreetly, I hope. And now I learn I may be pushing myself towards the dementia ward. YIKES.

And so it goes.