Señora – Breakfast in Bed

Señora and I were driving back from Chicago.  We were doing something we do not normally do.  We were listening to a rock station with a couple DJs who were under the overwhelming delusion that they were funny.

I do not remember what the exact context was, but they were talking about Mother’s Day, which is tomorrow – don’t you forget your mama y’all.  They were going on with something about breakfast in bed for the family matriarch.

Señora remarked, “I don’t know about breakfast in bed, but I would take lunch in bed!”

Reckon I have my Sunday lined out for me.

And so it goes.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,610

yeah I know you did not ask!

The story of my life in an eggshell…

I was frying up a couple eggs for breakfast this morning.  As I very carefully cracked the first egg and allowed it to slip gently into the hot, non-stick skillet that had just a touch of olive oil in the bottom, I realized the egg had a double yolk. Wow, fantastic, two egg yolks, I thought, then both of them broke.

My grief was palpable.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,776

yeah I know you did not ask!

Only in America…

I go to the doctor every 6 months to get blood work,  mainly because one of the drugs I take (blood pressure med???)  can affect the liver.  They generally want to check my cholesterol while they are at it, so I go in fasting.  A bad habit that I started years ago is getting a Mickey Dee’s breakfast afterwards. Outside of when we travel, it is the only time I eat at this iconic American restaurant.

It was about lunch time when I got out of the doctor’s office. The line at McDonald’s drive-thru was fairly long so I went inside. There was only one man inside  eating at a table,  and I walked right up to the counter and ordered.  When I left the line for the drive-thru had backed up all the way on to Olive Boulevard, which is very a busy street with 4 lanes and a middle turn lane.  Admittedly the weather is bad here in St. Louis today, a slushy mess freezing on the road, so that probably affected peoples’ actions. However, I have seen the same behavior on beautiful spring days.  It makes me wonder how much gasoline is wasted by folks idling in drive-thrus.


I, at least, thought I was hilarious.

I spent a few nights in a motel in Jackson, by gawd, Mississippi while visiting a friend done there.  The scrolling marquee on the billboard for the motel advertised free breakfast, pool and WiFi.

One evening I went up to the front desk and requested two of the free wifies for the night.  The clerk looked at me with an expression somewhere between incomprehension and customer service patience migrating to head banging exasperation.

I, at least, thought I was hilarious.

There is a story in here somewhere.

bkThere is a story in here somewhere.

We went to a retirement dinner which was actually breakfast foods.  Our protagonist is retiring from a lifetime of teaching elementary school.  What makes this interesting in the dime novel sort of way is that our heroine is a late in life lesbian.  She and another woman met, became enraptured with each other, and divorced their respective husbands.   What followed was tumultuous relation over a period of years.  The romantic portion of the relationship did end, but the relationship continues at some level.

What grabbed my attention at the dinner was that we were sitting next to her current girlfriend.  Her original girlfriend, now her ex was walking around taking pictures.  Both the divorced husbands from above were there.  At one point the two gentlemen were visiting with each other.

I can only imagine what would happen if I showed up at my ex’s retirement dinner.

You cannot make this stuff up.

Love Comes in Many Forms

Love comes in many forms.buritto

Anymore I generally just eat because my body needs food.  When I was single I would eat the same thing for breakfast for months on end.  Lunch was much the same way.  In Memphis I would come home for lunch which usually consisted of ramen noodles with vegetables.  I was fine with that.  I was fine with my bowl of Shredded Wheat each and every morning.

Robin is retired and I still work.  She is still getting up and fixing my breakfast each weekday morning.  I just want something light to knock the edge off my hunger.  I like a little protein also.  What we have settled is a breakfast sandwich with cheese and egg.  Frequently the bread takes the form of a tortilla.  If I was preparing the meal it would vary only slightly from day to day.  Robin likes to change it up.  She likes to try to surprise me a little with the combinations she puts together.  This morning it was a tortilla, cream cheese with chives, soy sausage and egg.  It was quite tasty and opened my eyes with pleasure when I first bit into it.

Sometimes love comes wrapped in a tortilla.

Impaled on my own self-effacement

Impaled on my own self-effacement1209026_10151613261694147_348947125_n

I had worked on some reports for another area some 2 or 3 months in the past. The young lady (39 years of age) whose area it is had moved all but one of the reports into production. She asked my help this morning in moving the last report. I replied, “I would need to refresh myself with the report, as being 78 years old I do not remember what I had for breakfast this morning.” She looked at me funny for a minute and replied, “You’re not 78… are you?”


Jonathan Swift on Money

From Gulliver’s Travelers

Amazing how little things have changed in the 300 years.

…neither could he comprehend what I meant in saying, they did it for hire. Whereupon I was at much pains to describe to him the use of money, the materials it was made of, and the value of the metals; “that when a YAHOO had got a great store of this precious substance, he was able to purchase whatever he had a mind to; the finest clothing, the noblest houses, great tracts of land, the most costly meats and drinks, and have his choice of the most beautiful females. Therefore since money alone was able to perform all these feats, our YAHOOS thought they could never have enough of it to spend, or to save, as they found themselves inclined, from their natural bent either to profusion or avarice; that the rich man enjoyed the fruit of the poor man’s labour, and the latter were a thousand to one in proportion to the former; that the bulk of our people were forced to live miserably, by labouring every day for small wages, to make a few live plentifully.” Continue reading “Jonathan Swift on Money”

A Clean Colon…

Trials & Tribulations of Sister Lorie

Note to self:

The next time the husband decides that a ‘gallbladder cleanse’ is a good idea and that your participation is also a good idea…. Ask lots of questions.  I knew that I was in possession of a gallbladder, but I must say that I was unclear as to what it does.  I’ve known people that have had theirs removed and still function well.  It’s possible that I had not given that organ much thought until the cleanse weekend.

Leaving the preparations largely up to the husband, Continue reading “A Clean Colon…”

Let your kids play

Article in the Feb/March 2009 edition of Scientific American Mind reports that there is a correlation between lack of unstructured play time for kids and crime, “By age 23, more than one third of kids who had gone to play-free preschools had been arrested for a felony as compared with fewer than one tenth of play-oriented preschool alums.” Continue reading “Let your kids play”