Oy Vey — To Bris or Not To Bris

Author’s note:   As Jack Friday would say, “The names of the participants in this have been changed to protect the innocent.”  That and so hopefully they will not beat the H-E-double hockey sticks out of me.

Last November my girlfriend, Gaia, and myself went to see the wonderful musician, Ellis Paul.  We invited Apollo to come with us even though the music was not his beloved opera.  Gaia and Apollo have been close friends for many, many years.   While I have not known Apollo as long, I consider him a friend also.  Apollo is perhaps 10 or 12 years older than Gaia and I.  He is retired from a technical position with the US government.  He is a very bright, a very Italian, gay gentleman.  He is a kind, genuine individual.  It is always interesting and entertaining to be around him.  He is one of those individuals that seem to live life to its fullest, and he does so with great joy.

After a wonderful evening of  music with Ellis Paul, Gaia and I took Apollo back to his abode.  He invited us in for some cheese and wine before we ventured back to the wilds of Chesterfield.  We visited for a while enjoying good wine and some cheese that Apollo had crafted himself.  I went to the bathroom and when I returned the conversation had turned to circumcision!  Apollo could not understand why it is so widely practiced in a non-Jewish nation such as the United States.    Continue reading “Oy Vey — To Bris or Not To Bris”

Robin, One Hot…

We are all products of time, place and the Darwinian lottery that selects our parents. Robin is no different.  Robin’s parents were not any different.

Robin spent much of youth practicing the piano.  She loves music, but she has talked about how she sometimes longed to be outside with other kids.  Robin has natural athletic ability, but in the 50s and 60s in the St. Louis enclave of Olivette young ladies were not encouraged in this arena.  While her brothers were encouraged to participate in sports she was forgotten.

Robin is short, but very strong physically.  She helped me move a while back, and it was all I could do to keep up with her.  Continue reading “Robin, One Hot…”

Sunday Morning Snobbery

I first noticed the father, a vaguely unkempt looking man picking out a bowling ball.  It was hard to tell his age, but I am guessing around mine, pushing 60.  His hair was all white, and he was bald on top.  A comb or brush would not have hurt his look.  He was dressed in a pair of black Rustler jeans and a black t-shirt that was a tad too short for him. 

imagesI then noticed his wife. She appeared to be at least 20 years his junior. She was obese enough that her belly had more than formed an apron.   Initially I thought she was Hispanic.  I shortly heard her say something, and it was classic Tennessee country.  Neither she nor her husband were ugly, but then again they were not particularly handsome.

Then the passel of kids came into focus.  There were a total of four.  The oldest, a boy, who never took down his sweatshirt hood, looked to be 12 or 13.   Continue reading “Sunday Morning Snobbery”

Bowling: How to Master the Game

Bowling: How to Master the GameBowling: How to Master the Game by Parker Bohn III available @ Amazon.com 


I am not sure who the intended audience for this book was. I not sure the authors knew who the intended audience was, either.

I bowled some as a young teenager. I’m in my 50s now and I have started to bowl some again. What I wanted and needed was a book of basic instruction on the proper techniques and strategy of bowling. Having read some of the reviews that is what I thought I was getting.

If I had been able to pick this book Continue reading “Bowling: How to Master the Game”